Employees feel welcomed and appreciated when there is diversity and inclusion at work. It results in a more balanced personnel pool, as well as increased production and profitability. We aim to transform organisations into multi-talented and powerful workforces with our diversity and inclusion-focused solutions.
We assist organisations in creating inclusive workplaces with a diverse workforce using VAARADA Prism. We do it by identifying the greatest talent among women (including back-to-work programmes), people of all ethnicities and regions, people with disabilities (PwD), LGBTQ+, and veterans.
VAARADA places a woman every fourth candidate
We place 1/3 of our female candidates in middle management positions.
10,000+ candidates from the LGBTQ+, disabled, and veteran groups are part of an active network.
Create your own virtual job fairs to recruit, engage, and onboard a diverse workforce.
Selected applicants from various communities are chosen and trained to return to work or to participate in upskilling programmes. We will be in charge of the entire process, from sourcing through training.
By conducting participatory and engaging events/virtual conferences and projects, you may raise awareness of various cultures and inclusion, as well as create your employer brand.
Organize special webinars for a varied group of people to gain access to a previously untapped pool of candidates.
To strike a chord of inclusiveness among your employees, host speaker sessions with leaders from the varied community.
Identify infrastructure and resource gaps to guarantee that accessible procedures, software, interpreter assistance, wheelchair mobility, and other infrastructure modifications are implemented smoothly to establish an inclusive workplace for people with disabilities.